Absolut - Vodka 40% - 1 L
Absolut Vodka is a premium Swedish vodka known for its purity and quality.
Packaged in a 1-liter bottle, providing ample quantity for cocktails, mixed drinks, or enjoying neat.
With a 40% alcohol by volume (ABV), it offers a smooth and clean taste profile.
Absolut Vodka is crafted using high-quality winter wheat and pristine water from the Ahus region, resulting in a distinctively crisp flavor.
Versatile and widely used in cocktails, Absolut Vodka is a staple spirit for bartenders and enthusiasts alike.
- Premium Swedish vodka known for purity and quality
- 1-liter bottle size for ample quantity
- Smooth and clean taste with 40% alcohol by volume (ABV)
- Crafted from high-quality winter wheat and pristine water from the Ahus region
- Versatile spirit ideal for cocktails or enjoying neat
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